Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tell All Tuesday: Teacher Bucket List

Happy Tuesday Friends!  Today, I’m linking up again with Diana from My Day in K and Jayme from Teach Talk Inspire to share my teacher bucket list.  Thanks, gals, for this fun Tuesday linky party.


Mentor first year teachers….I have wanted to mentor first year teachers for some time now.  I honestly feel that I am in that place in my career that I would feel comfortable mentoring someone else.  I always think back to when I was in my first year teacher and all the support I needed to make it through.  Can you relate?

Grow our blog and TpT store….For me, this is easier said than done.  I think time is my biggest road block.  I am a true believer that if you want something, you must put in the work and go after it. I have a HUGE to do list of products I would like to create and projects to post about.  I would like to manage my time better so that our blog and TpT store can be as great as we know that they can be.

Design our blog….Since we started our blog, I wanted to design it myself.  I am a huge fan of computer graphics and I just enjoy creating anything and everything myself.  I absolutely love what Design by Christi did with our blog.  I would definitely recommend her if you are looking to spice up your blog a bit.  I think doing it myself would be so much fun.  I have already been checking out YouTube videos to learn how to do this myself.   We are hoping to have a total blog makeover launched in early 2016. 

Submit a proposal to DonorsChoose….I would really like to have a few i-Pads for my classroom.  Many of my teacher friends have been funded through DonorsChoose for technology and books.  I would like to submit a proposal through DonorsChoose to get some new technology for my classroom.  I’ll keep you updated.

Thanks so much for stopping by to read about my teacher bucket list.  What’s on yours?



  1. I mentored 1st year teachers in my previous district and I really enjoyed it! There was no mentoring program when I started teaching so I really saw the need that some new teachers had for it. It is very rewarding!

  2. I still see myself as a student of teaching, but definitely have a heart for new teachers who are talented, passionate, and totally bewildered by real world teaching, administration, and paperwork. Mentoring is definitely the key to bridge the gap!

  3. What a great bucket list! I love that you would like to design! It's a great opportunity nowadays! Gooooooo for it! You can do it! Check out my post, it includes a FREEBIE.
    All the best!

  4. Love your bucket list - good luck with your new venture of designing - i'm sure you'll be great! Be sure to enjoy it and keep us updated of your progress :)

  5. Shannon, I loved reading through your list. You have a lot of great goals. I would also love to mentor college students and help make that transition easier. I wish you all the luck as you work towards attaining your goals. Thanks for linking up with us! :)
