Thursday, May 1, 2014

Super Cute Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas


Hey Friends!  It’s that time of year again.  Teacher Appreciation Week is May 5th-9th!  I get really excited about giving gifts so I love this time of year.  I wanted to be a little more creative with the gifts I gave our boys’ teachers so I went to Pinterest for help.  I had so much fun pinning.  The only problem is choosing which gifts to give. Maybe I’ll give them all.  Of course they deserve it!  

Check out this idea from Stacy over at She’s Kinda Crafty.  This was too adorable to pass up.  I’m not sure if the teachers paint their nails, but they will after they receive this.  Ha!

Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas & Printable!  What a darling idea!  via She's Kinda Crafty 

Domesticated Lady knows how to keep it simple.  This one doesn’t require a whole bunch of prep work.  Love it!

Bands of printed cardstock, wrapped them around a regular ol’ water bottle, and tied a little individual powered drink pack on the top (tea to go with the label). Change it up to say a TEA-riffic Volunteer or Person or Friend. <3

What teacher doesn’t like sticky notes?  You can never have too many of these.  This idea comes from Lindi over at Love the Day


Take a look at this “minty” gift  from Cha-Ching On a Shoe String.   Any teacher would love this one.

teacher appreciation jar 4

 Laura Winslow’s idea is another favorite of mine.  I never leave home without my lip balm.  Look at the label….too stinkin’ cute.

428417 10151432415368876 1465395213 n1 Teacher Appreciation Gift Tag Free Printable :: Laura Winslow Photography

Can’t wait to make these gifts.  Do you do anything special for your child’s teacher? 



  1. Economists have elaborated the economics of gift-giving into the notion of a gift economy. By extension the term gift can refer to anything that makes the other happier or less sad, especially as a favour, including forgiveness and kindness. Gifts are also first and foremost presented on occasions - birthdays and Christmas being the main examples.

    Sarah Khan

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