Monday, October 21, 2013

“Clip Up Please!” Behavior Management

Hi Friends!  Before you say anything, let me just say I know I have been MIA for a few weeks.  Between work and family, it’s been hard trying to stay afloat….Holla if you know what I mean.  :)  
As promised I would like to post about how I do behavior management in my classroom.  Before I begin, let me just say that I got this idea from A Cupcake for A Teacher.  Thanks, Teri!!!  I just modified it a teensy bit to meet my kiddos’ needs.  Let me also say, that this this behavior management system may seem like a lot of work.  It definitely is in the beginning, but I believe anything worth doing requires work.  Once I got into the swing of things, it was really simple. 
During the first day of school my  students and I came up with rules that would be appropriate for our classroom.  Our school mascot is a star.  So our school-wide discipline plan follows this acronym.
A-Always Respectful
I love these words because it ties everything together, not to mention it’s very kid-friendly.
I am a firm believer that a discipline plan should have a list of rules for students to follow, consequences for students who break the rules, and my favorite…. REWARDS.  I also think the key to an effective discipline plan is CONSISTENCY, CONSISTENCY, CONSISTENCY.
Here’s what the behavior chart looks like in my classroom.  Since I have a space theme going on, I got this idea from good ole’ Pinterest.
Students who break the rules have to move their clip down the chart and students who continuously follow the rules move their clip up.
Each time a students moves their clip up to pink ( Too Infinity and Beyond), they get a jewel on their clip at the end of the day. 
If students get 5 jewels on their clip, they get to add it to our Wall of Fame board.  They then get to choose a brand new clip to hang on the clip chart.  I used some washi tape to make all kinds of cool clips for them to choose from.  Check out how I made them HERE.   Can I just say they absolutely love the clips?!?
Since I have a space theme going on in my classroom, the students have an opportunity to earn galaxy tickets to shop in the Galaxy Mall depending on what color they are on at the end of the day.
Here’s the Galaxy Mall.  I purchased this 6-drawer storage bin from Wal-Mart.  I labeled each bin with a number from 1-6.  The numbers represent how many galaxy tickets the item in the drawer will cost.  The Galaxy Mall is open on Fridays.  I have a fourth grader run the Galaxy Mall for me.
One Galaxy Ticket
Two Galaxy Tickets (I need to repurchase some items for this drawer.)
Three Galaxy Tickets
Four Galaxy Tickets
Five Galaxy Tickets
Six Galaxy Tickets
Students can also save up their galaxy tickets to buy a special coupon from the coupon book.  Check out Classroom Coupons HERE.
IMG_1059 IMG_1058
That’s it folks!  Whoever invented the Clip Up system is a genius.  This is the first year that I have used it and my kiddos and I absolutely love it!  I must say that this has been one of my best years as far as behavior and I think the Clip Up system has played an important role.
How do you manage behavior in your classroom?


  1. I'm a first year teacher and LOVE the idea of a clip up chart. What do you do for those students that don't turn in homework?

  2. Hey there Carrie! Thanks for stopping by our blog. Homework can be a little tricky. Everyone handles missing/incomplete homework differently. I am a firm believer that homework should be done at HOME. When I first started teaching, I used to keep kids in at recess to do missed homework assignments. Usually, it only takes one time of staying in and kiddos will get on track. However, sometimes that doesn't work. I definitely stay in contact with parents if the child is not turning in homework repeatedly. Sometimes they may not know what's going on or there may be some other reason why the child is not completing homework. Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

  3. How often do you move a student's clip up the chart if they are being attentive? After every class?
