Monday, April 1, 2013

April Currently and New TPT Product

Hi Everyone!  I hope you had a fantastic Easter.  Let's get right to it!

I am linking up for the first time with Oh' Boy Fourth Grade for April's Currently.  I think these are so cute!  Can you believe it's April?  Really?


Listening to a TV Commercial
I seem to get the most done when the TV is on.  I'm not really watching anything, but I guess the noise in the background just helps keep my brain moving.

Loving the year-round school schedule
Our spring break is 3 weeks.  I plan on doing a post about the Year-Round schedule soon so stay tuned.  This is always a hot topic for conversation.  Let me know if you have any questions about it.

Thinking I should get out and enjoy the sunshine
Even if it's a little chilly, the sun is absolutely beautiful.  I think I'll go for a walk this afternoon.

Wanting a vacation to Hawaii
I've never been to Hawaii before.  This is on my wishlist of places to go.

Needing a Iced Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks
This is my favorite drink from Starbucks.  Don't forget the whipped cream!

Do what you love and love what you do!
I'm not sure where this quote comes from but I love it. 
You are more likely to do your best if it's something you love.   

Over the last few weeks, I have been working on my spring math and literacy centers.  My main focus is to align all of my activities and units to the Common Core State Standards.  It has really given me a chance to look closely and dissect the standards for myself.  I love it!  There's some proof-reading to do, but I hope to get these activities posted soon.  Here's a peek!

Until next time,




  1. Hi, you were two link-ups ahead of me on Farley's linky so I'm stopping by to say hey! I love your quote "Do what you love and love what you do." It's perfect for our career, isn't it?! BTW, I'm a 2nd grade teacher and have taught 3rd as well. Perfect ages! :)

    Jamie at 2nd Grade Stuff

    1. Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm lovin 2nd grade! :)

  2. Hi! We just found you through Farley's linky and are stopping by! We both love pretty much anything from Starbucks! We both teach 2nd grade, but Katie taught 3rd for several years before moving to 2nd!
    Stop by and visit sometime!
    Second Grade Smartypants

    1. Hi there! Thanks so much for stopping by. I love 2nd grade! :)

  3. Starbucks.. yummy!! I needed one today...

    1. Hi Sandy! Thanks for stopping by! Doesn't Starbucks just make you feel good? :)
